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Sunday 19 May 2013

The Mayonnaise Paradox - Why are we all so fat?

Cabbage soup, tapeworms and imaginary food are all ways that have been proposed to lose weight. But what if I can tell you that there is just one single food that is probably the reason you are such a whale today? That sticky, white liquid that you can't help but lick off your fingers when it goes everywhere, you guessed it - mayonnaise!

A tablespoon of the good stuff has on average 61 calories per tablespoon (and lets be honest, who sticks to just one tablespoon?!) In order to lose a pound of fat it is sad that you have to create a deficit of 3500 calories. This means that for every 57.4 tablespoons of (unneccessary) mayonnaise that you have, you gain a pound.

Assuming you have on average one tablespoon a day, this equals a gain of 6.4lbs per year. Lets assume that up until the age of 16 you are growing and therefore ignore all that, this stil leads to a high number for most people on the MPS (Mayonnaise Paradox Scale). To work out your MPR (Mayonnaise Paradox Rating) follow this formula -

(Age - 16) x (tablespoons of mayonnaise per year/57.4)

Lets assume a man of 21 years old who eats on average one tablespoon a day. His MPR is 32, meaning that he would be 32lbs lighter had he not touched the mayonnaise since his 16th birthday.

Please pass me the ketchup...

What is your MPR? Comment below!

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